我爱吃Cheese Cake。朋友,大姐和小妹也爱吃,所以一定要学会烘焙这种口味的蛋糕。上网一查,才发现Cheese Cake 的种类真的是琳琅满目。 紧记着不可眼高手低的原则,选了个最经济而且看来还算简单的Light Cheese Cake来试作。这种Cheese Cake由芝士片作为原料,比 Cream Cheese便宜多了,我想比较试合我这初学者吧!如果失败,损失也不会太惨重啊!

用具和材料的份量都做了些改变,就这样,成功的完成了个蓬松的Light Cheese Cake ,底层湿厚的问题也解决了!
Try on Chiffon Cake. If you can make a perfect Chiffon cake,then, any other cake will be "just a piece of cake" to you. Most of the birthday is using chiffon cake as a base, they just put some cream (whipping cream mix with icing sugar) on top of it, then, they will charge you a kg for certain price. By the way,baking a cream cheese cake is easier then baking a cotton cheese cake (light cheese cake).
For the chiffon cake make sure the eggs are fresh enough--sticky egg white, very firm egg yolk. Cold eggs (keep in the fright will help a bit). Good luck and good try.
Ha, sorry, for get to tell you these, try to spent some times on this www.rthk.org.hk/elearning/dessert/. Guess what? An opera cake 1/2 kg will cost about US10.00 or RM33.00, if you bake it by yourself, you can bake few of them. The masters are experts. You ask, they will answer you.
ah mee,
Are you refering Chiffon cake or sponge cake?
i made a Chocolate Chiffon cup cake last weekend by using olive oil.(All the recipes refered does't use butter).The texture was soft but not having aroma or sweet smelling like those cakes bake with butter.
ah mee,
i visit the website alreay.It's great! Thank you for your sharing.
The opera cake...will try to make it after i "upgrade" my bakery equipment!hahahaha! Now i only have a small & simple oven and i not even have the "special" knife to cut the cake.
Hee..hee..I though chiffon cake and sponge are the same cakes, aren't them?? Olive oil is the best oil for all. Butter smell better is because it's animal fat. and most of them had been add on flavour. That's way it smells great n taste yummy...Maybe you can try this..melt the butter then add to the cup cake batter, butter oil is heavier then olive oil. Make it 1/3 of butter oil and 2/3 of olive oil (I never try it).
You don't have to buy expensive tools for baking, you're new in this field. A simple knife is good enough to cut the cream cheese cake, just make sure you use the "warn" knife.
There is two ways to make a sponge cake...the traditional way ( I call it "the Magic way"), it taste dry a bit and hardly to get a perfect cake. Another way is to use sponge mix. Most of the cake houses are using this method. When mix with the oil,u have to be careful and alert. Low speed,short mix time. Else will get a layer of oil on the bottom of it. You experience it, you will learn.
yaya, i have the privilege to eat your cheese cake. very nice.
now you can try the cheese cake that i told you, that thick thick type~~
tqtq for the cakes.
sorry i am not at home.
so got to 'tumpang' at other's pc, no 'freedom' to use internet too often in my sister's house.
but now ok already, because i have my PC connected to their router~~
so i can only leave a message after 2 days i eaten the cake ~~
your cake is really good~
ah mee,
I think Chiffon and sponge are 2 different type of cake. For Chiffon cake, the eggs white and egg yolk need to be whisk separately and use vegetable oil instead of butter.
How to make the knife "warm"? I don't have confidence to cut the cake in layers as the opera cake show in that website.
H Ee,
I'm really happy to hear that you like the taste!Next week i can bake for my sister!
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