Wednesday, October 29, 2008


出乎我的意料,白老鼠们都给了我A+ !我小妹还说和外头卖的味道一模一样呢!看来我在烘焙方面还是有小小的天份喔!


菲尔 said...

remember to bake for me when i go to muar this november!!

Unknown said...

ei, buka kedai lah!!

佩玲 said...

H Ee,
Sure ! No problem. 只要你不嫌弃!哈哈!


菲尔 said...

singapore got a lawyer with 1st class honours - she opened a cake house selling cheese cakes. she said practise is not her interest. too sressful.

Anonymous said...

Hi You don't have to use tooth pick to check the cake is done or not. Use you pawn, try press (like chinese said pai-pai) on the middle of the cake, if it goes down like a well and feels very soft (with moisture), means not done yet. If it like a spring then is done. After the baking hours, you can left the cake in the oven for another 5 min with the oven "off". Excellent butter cake is moisture, smooth and with good texture. I like to put some whipping cream with it. It will cost you a little bit more but taste s better.
Don't over bake the cake, it taste dry. Normally at 180-185 degree , perhaps, you can visit Alton Brown at you tube. He's great teacher. You will learn. Bye.